January 18, 2012

Little "Nanyn"

We've had Landyn a little over 5 months now and I'm already forgetting a lot of her story on how she got here. I was set to be induced on August 1, 2011. I started having crazy contractions about 5 days before then and spent the night walking around the hospital for hours and hours. I was dilating fast and they set up my IV to get me ready for the epidural. 

Around 4:00 am my contractions totally stopped and they told me I had to GO HOME. The horror. I was convinced she would be coming that day and was seriously annoyed that I had to go home early. Luckily, August 1st came soon enough. Dane's delivery was so great that I thought I couldn't top it. I was wrong. This one rocked.

Jeremy and I got to the hospital bright and early. I was given my epidural BEFORE they induced me, which was pretty spectacular. After they started the pitocin I went into crazy labor right away. In the last half hour my contractions were coming so fast that the doctor told me the epidural couldn't keep up. I'm not sure what that meant, but it hurt a lot for a good 20 minutes. About an hour and a half after they induced me, baby girl was here and doing great. 

I'm not sure if I mentioned it, but Brynlie was kind of extremely excited.

Landyn had tons of hair, cute little dimples and ate like a champ. I had a couple of issues and they said I should probably stay an extra day. Normally, I'm dying to get home, but seeing as how this was our baby number last, you can bet that we jumped on that and stayed as long as possible.

This girl had some awesome spiky monkey hair for the first couple months.

Kelson posed for a couple pictures, got really overwhelmed with the hospital, new baby and 5 people telling him to smile. He put his head down and cried right after this picture.

Dane actually did really well with Landyn...besides wanting to maul her all day long. He was never jealous or anything luckily.
He loooves his baby Nanyn.

I keep waiting for Landyn's newness to wear off and for my kids to start ignoring her. So far that hasn't happened. Kelson and Dane hug and kiss her alllll day long til she's crying. Sometimes we have to ground the children from kissing her. I guess it could be worse.

Grandma gave Landyn her first glitter toes while still in the hospital. That's how she rolls.

That's some sweet hair.

First pig tail

Rollin' over - right around 5 months

Landyn is an extremely good baby...which really works for me. She's super smiley and kind of just hangs out all day. She'll start to grunt if she's hungry or bored, but other than that she's pretty content.

Baby girl wears 18 month clothes now and weighs 22 lbs which means she will be in her infant carrier for about another week. I'm dreading putting her in a big car seat because she can't sit up by herself yet, so shopping will be exceptionally unfun. And the car conks her out, so I'll have to wake her up and take her inside now. Such is the life of a chubby baby.

When Landyn was a couple days old she would really flip her neck back. I didn't think much of it though because she was so new and floppy. After a few weeks it wasn't getting any better. My sister mentioned it looked like torticollis and we found out a few weeks later that it was.

Her head was likely bent a little weird when I was pregnant and her neck muscles grew longer on one side than the other. It's pretty common apparently, but luckily Lauren pointed it out to us or we probably wouldn't have noticed for awhile. Landyn went to physical therapy for a couple months and now she's almost all better.

This girl is so easy and happy. Jeremy and I usually argue over who gets to hold her when she falls asleep. Not so much over who gets to change her diapers though. She looks so much like Brynlie's baby pictures and so far acts just like Bryn too. I'm dying to see what her hair does and dreading for her to get any older. 


  1. About TIME you posted this, my friend! 18 month clothes on a 5 month old... um... what on earth are you feeding your babies? She is super cute. She does remind me of baby Brynlie! (Of course that is the only one of your babies I've ever known.) Super fun, Julie.

  2. She is a cutie!
    It may be a workout for your arms, but some of the Graco Snugride infant seats go up to 35 lbs. They have the weight limit in the name (Snugride 30 or 35). I hope that helps.

    1. Anonymous1/18/2012

      Thanks Emma! We should have just gotten the bigger one with Brynlie but they didn't have many options 6 years ago...at least as far as weight limits go. Would have saved me from the dreaded walmart cart baby seats many times!

  3. Oh my goodness Julie!! She is delicious!! What an adorable, yummy little girl! What are you feeding her? I need some pointers for my 15lbs almost one year old!

  4. Marimom1/19/2012

    Oooohhh how I love those kiddos! I can't believe my little "Nanyn" is already 5 months old and will be half grown by the time I see her again. Can you please ship her to me for a couple of months! I promise I will take good care of her and squeeze her and kiss her all day so she will not miss her siblings! The feeding might be a problem though! You do a great job at that!! Kiss all those adorable babies for me! Miss you all soooooooo much!!

  5. Great post! Sounds like Nanyn is about the same size as Saige, which is so funny! I hope to have a more chill baby next time. Saige is 13 months and still has to be within 5 feet of me most the day. Oh well. Cherish it while she still wants me around, I guess :)

  6. Auntie Jan2/05/2012

    LOVE the pictures!! LOVE the new layout!! Landyn is going to outweigh Brynlie soon!!! Can't wait to see her in a bikini this summer!!!! SSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!

  7. Hi Julie!

    Sorry I haven't responded to your blog post-I hadn't checked my comments in a while. I talked to my mom-in-law Susan about your family, and she was super excited! She says she just loves your mom and dad, and your whole family. She misses the Mortensons! It really is a small world, huh? Seriously though, I love your blog, and I think you're a great designer. I've used your blog layouts for awhile now!

    Rachel Orme
