July 09, 2008

Special K update

A couple days after we took Kelson to the doctor he woke up with these red little bumps all over his arms, legs and face. We took him back in and they said it was probably his infection leaving his body. It didn't bother him luckily, but looked pretty yucky for a few days.
Then we took him back to the doctor a few days later because the mystery rash on his bum got enormous. Turns out his medication gave him a "massive" yeast infection. So he had another week of discomfort and fevers.
Happy Birthday Kelson....you get a gallon of hand sanitizer, a shopping cart seat cover, bottle of Lysol and a face mask.


  1. I love the Birthday gifts that you are going to get for Kelson, or maybe I should say, "late" birthday gifts, very fitting.

  2. You crack me up! I love reading your blogs and comments, I always am laughing! And just for the record, I think Tory is a slut too!
