November 04, 2008


Here is our little Halloween witch. She was so excited this year. We ended up going to my parents ward party on Wed., Jaime's ward party on Thur., and then on Fri. we went over to Nicole and Chad's house. The Dad's took the kids out trick-or-treating while us Mama's stayed home to hand out candy. The kids got so much candy! I've already consumed most of it, but there is still plenty left if any one would like to come pry it from my sticky little fingers. Every time I eat it it makes me so sick, yet I have no self control and keep packin' it down.

This is the only picture I could get of my little froggie not crying. He was bound and determined to sweep all week with Bryn's broom. That's all he wanted to do, and was highly upset when we took it from him.

Both my kids LOVE Halloween (cause they're all about food if you haven't noticed), but they are totally freaked out by it as well. Brynlie can't even watch Halloween cartoons on PBS without crying. She came home from trick-or-treating bawling because she saw a scary clown. She brings it up every once in awhile and just cries and cries. It's so sad. She refuses to go into any empty room by herself and has to have every light in the house turned on at all times. There are certain isles we have to avoid at Wal-mart to keep both of our children from crying uncontrollably.

Maybe next year Halloween wont be so scary.


  1. That cracks me up that they are afraid of halloween! And don't worry about eating too much candy- I bought Jessica this massive bag of candy bars so I could send her a sweet Halloween packaged...needless to say it never got sent because I ended up consuming ALL of the chocolate! josh warned me but I didn't listen! And did you make Brynlie's costume? It is AMAZING! I know you're just that talented and capable of doing it, so I'm curious!

  2. Oh Julie, you have no idea. I freaking cried. Do you know how often I cry? Once a year, maybe. I don't want my grandbabies growing up in Canada. Anywho, how come you never get on AIM anymore? We need to chat. Your kiddos sure are cute, can't wait to find out what kind of spawn you have floating inside you:)

  3. Your kids look so freaking cute especially your witch. I just love her costume!
