April 04, 2010

Dane=Birthday, Mom=Cry/sob/denial

Somebody had a birthday last week...

Marimom made her famous #1 cake. At first Dane was all like..."hmmmm..."

and then he was like..."nom nom nom"

Dane is our first kid who wanted anything to do with their birthday cake, so we ended up taking 403 pictures to document such a rare occasion. Don't you wish you could take off your pants, climb up on the table and eat a big cake with your hands? Don't be ashamed. It wouldn't look as cute but I'd Jeremy would totally do it.

Happy Birthday Daner-Doo!


  1. I can't believe he's one already. You must be really old, too! Natalie has that same shirt. Kind of. It's the girl version and I opted for the bib rather than the onsie. I didn't want her to get the cute thing dirty. Miss you guys!

  2. Love it!! He's such a cutie pie!! I would get up on that table and eat away probably with only my mouth..LOL! That cake looks DELICIOUS!

  3. Carrie, I found that onesie for $1.75, so I let him mess the heck out of it. Who knows if I'll be able to use it again anyway.

    And yes Heather, forget the hands! You should do that tonight for dinner. I kind of want to :)

  4. Oh my GOSH, those are the cutest cake pictures EVER. And that onesie is so dang cute. Eat up, baby Dane! Happy birthday!
