October 06, 2008

Palin for President

P.S. I totally love this lady. I can't stand the fighting that goes on in politics, so I tend to steer clear. Now with kids I'm starting to get into it more and more. Yahoo for Sarah!


  1. I agree. I think she's the greatest! I'm not a huge fan of McCain (an even less fan of Obama) but I'm all for Palin! =)

  2. Please refer to my SNl skit on my blog. I do not love this lady. She's making every person in the US wonder if we too could be VP.

  3. Anonymous10/10/2008

    She doesn't make me wonder. I love this lady. Those skits are really funny though.

  4. Anonymous10/10/2008

    Kara, Obama makes me wonder the same thing. Sarah's way more qualified then he is!

  5. All I can say is..."Joe Six Pack". Makes me Laugh every time;).

  6. Anonymous10/15/2008

    Really! I mean Really? You love Sarah Palin? Wow! Do you love the way she looks because what she has been saying lately (so memorized and scipted)
    has very little depth. Good for you!

  7. Anonymous10/23/2008

    Obama scares the CRAP out of me!! About 90 percent of Mormons are Republican, and the 10 percent think they know everything, OPEN YOUR EYES 10%ers!! Majority rules! Just admit it, you are WAY wrong!!!!!!!
